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History and astrology is an unexpected resource for chaotic times. Histrology ( a word I made up) - fuses a journalistic narrative with an astrological explanation that will change how you see your own life. Each episode connects the stories of our past to the present to help us shape our future.

Jun 28, 2019

Richard Nixon’s presidency was particularly influential in American history. Not only was he the only president to ever resign, but his obstruction of justice has had a lasting impact on the direction of American politics.

Today, Wendy uncovers what this American Zodiac’s chart tells us about the Watergate Scandal and how it plays a part in today’s politics. Wendy also dissects Donald Trumps Astrology Chart in a way that parallels Nixon’s presidency. To hear more about how this event is still playing a part in today’s government and whether or not Nixon’s choices can result in Trump being charged with obstruction of justice, tune into this episode of Histrology.


Show Highlights:

  • How the Watergate scandal is still influencing politics now


  • Who is Nixon according to his astrological chart


  • The influence Pluto and Neptune had on Nixon’s perspective


  • Nixon’s reaction to the Watergate investigation and how he could have used his power differently


  • How America’s chart is symbolic during Nixon’s presidency


  • How Nixon’s obstruction of justice distorted the world’s view of America


  • Nixon vs. Trump similarities and the impact its having on America



Contact Wendy:

Twitter: @histrology